Python Braspag Lib =================== Request object --------------- .. autoclass:: braspag.BraspagRequest :members: :exclude-members: authorize :undoc-members: .. automethod:: braspag.core.BraspagRequest.authorize(order_id, customer_id, customer_name, customer_email, amount, card_holder, card_number, card_security_code, card_exp_date, save_card, card_token, number_of_payments, payment_method, payment_plan, transaction_type=2, currency='BRL', country='BRA') Examples ......... Creditcard example +++++++++++++++++++++ The example bellow shows how to authorize a credit card transation:: from braspag import BraspagRequest ORDER_ID = u'84765421-5435-85C2-3F41-85A72BE2433E' MERCHANT_ID = u'12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890AB' request = BraspagRequest(merchant_id=MERCHANT_ID, homologation=True) response = request.authorize( order_id=ORDER_ID, customer_id=u'12345678900', customer_name=u'José da Silva', customer_email='', payment_method=997, #simulated BRL amount=10000, card_holder=u'Jose da Silva', card_number=u'0000000000000001', card_security_code='123', card_exp_date='05/2018', ) The argument `order_id` should be an GUID valid string which indentifies this transaction on your system. The argument `customer_id` must be a valid CPF or CNPJ for the user. The `amount` given should be an integer where the 2 last digits will represent the decimal places. Response object ----------------- .. autoclass:: braspag.BraspagResponse :members: :undoc-members: Exceptions ----------- .. automodule:: braspag.exceptions :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: Utils ------ .. automodule:: braspag.utils :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: